Reclaimed Adventures
Location: Canada
We have come to realize that in the world of outdoor adventure there are many pieces of gear which need to be retired due to wear, and are never looked at again! We want to change that. Reclaimed Adventures is based on repurposing old and retired outdoor gear for new uses!
Green Peak Gear
Location: UK (North West)
Green Peak Gear collect used climbing gear and remake it into new products. The products we currently make include rope rugs, dog leads and skipping ropes. We will be extending our range to include new products and more styles of rugs and dog leads. Any gear that we cannot reuse will be recycled. Green Peak Gear profits are donated to the BMC Access and Conservation Trust.
Gift Your Gear
Location: UK
Gift Your Gear is an award-winning nationwide initiative that provides outdoor clothing and equipment to UK community organisations, youth groups and charities working with young people in the outdoors. Founded by Sarah Howcroft, Gift Your Gear aims to encourage people to donate unwanted outdoor gear they no longer want or need.
Green Guru Gear
Location: USA
Green guru gear uses old outdoor gear that would otherwise end up in landfills to create new adventure gear. All green guru gear started out as something else like bike tubes, wetsuits, and billboard materials. By keeping these valuable materials out of landfills, we can adventure with a good conscious.
Location: USA
Worn Wear is Patagonia's program that keeps gear in action longer. Why extend the life of gear? Because the best thing we can do for the planet is get more use out of stuff we already own, cutting down on consumption. Join us to repair, share and recycle your gear.
The North Face
Location: USA, Europe
We can’t stop people from growing out of their clothes, wearing through them or deciding that it’s time for something new. However, we can help to ensure that worn clothes don’t end up in landfills. Our Clothes the Loop program allows consumers to drop off their unwanted clothing and footwear at The North Face Retail And Outlet Stores.
Location: UK
The Continuum Project is designed to make it easy for you to donate your outdoor kit directly to those who need it most, and keep your kit out of landfill whilst you're at it. This is made possible by support from the Alpkit Foundation. The idea is simple. You send us outdoor garments that you no longer use and we pass them on to charities who will in turn give them directly to someone who needs them for protection from the elements. Occasionally, when a garment is deemed no longer fit for purpose, it will be donated to scientific research projects relating to the outdoor industry and up/downcycling projects.
Location: USA
The Rock Solid Used Gear Project is an Arc’teryx gear recycling hub, designed to lighten our footprint by half, keep gear in play, in the wild, and out of storage, basements, or landfill.Great gear should outlive your adventures, not the planet. In a world full of problems, this is how we begin. Now is the time to think beyond the product, and make problem-solving contagious. We need your help to close the loop.